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creation training

Have you ever questioned yourself about your relationship with DESIRE? and with POWER?


WISHING is a revolutionary act, it places us in the possible.


It is a powerful engine of creation and transformation and it is surely because of its relationship with power that we have resistance to connect with it.


As women we have many beliefs around DESIRE, POWER and MERIT that we will use as ingredients to cook together a very nutritious broth. 


for creation

for acting work

for life

for health

to go beyond blocks and frontiers

to prioritize yourself

to enjoy


demechanize habits and beliefs

Knowledge and experience empowers us.

As we women have been gaining notoriety and space in society, aesthetic pressure has been increasing, a very audacious tool of control: a seed that grows in itself watered with all the external stimuli we constantly receive, being able to fall into the trap of feeling insufficient or less deserving because we do not correspond to stereotypes.


One more way to divert our attention from a tool of power: our desire.


“People have the power,” says Patti Smith. 

Yes, they do.


Through collective dynamics, we identify patterns of behavior installed in each one of us and we find that many of them are shared. 


The stage game allows us to rename ourselves in society, to connect with our SUBCONSCIOUS, to observe it and to transfer it to the physical plane. We have access to information that would be impossible from rational control.


To put in common our referents, experiences and learnings, evidences the individual and collective wisdom.  

We reflect ourselves in the other, we establish a space of empowering care that serves as a launching pad for all the real DESIRES that vibrate in us.


Recognize (if it appears) the guilt, the stigma, the blockage... to transform it into ACTION.

Gain power.

The Desire has been the starting motor and the detonating box for all the creations I have carried out as well as the groups I have guided.


Without desire there is no direction

It is a powerful engine of change and transformation.

I propose you

- A regular training group focusing on desire
- A place for reconnect with yourself through play and fun
- The practice of different artistic languages at the service of our imagination.
- A collective creation process. It will not be the end, it will be the road.
- Materialize the desires with the help of the group.




- Theoretical framework . Analysis and sharing of group references.

- Movement dynamics and Image Theatre (connect with desire subconscious )

- Practices of display creative .

- Intuition and synchronicity in creation.

- Circle of power: the chup chup of the transformative broth of beliefs

- Scenic collage and collective creation (depending on the needs of the group we will work more at a scenic, audiovisual or plastic level.

Elena Sandell, actress and illustrator

After numerous very varied trainings, it is from Alicia's hand that I have found the way to express the intimate and personal in a way as honest as pleasant. 

Alicia unravels the small, the genuine, that which you don't know you have, and makes it bloom by weaving it with that other tiny thing that the other has and the other has and the other and the other and suddenly raises a mass that seems incongruous and outlines it until, without knowing how, she has created a unique language that represents and unites the whole group. 

Alicia makes magic, she turns the sessions into a celebration of love and enjoyment.

Gemma Charines, actress and teacher

“The profession of actress is a profession that requires you to be constantly in training,
since you work with the body and soul and both things are very delicate and need constant training and cures.

I met Alicia in a course of “Reconstruction of fiction”, in a moment of my life when my soul was very touched.

I didn't know exactly what I was going to do, but the course was recommended to me by a very experienced person who knew what my vital moment was, “You have to do the course of Alice”, he told me, and I listened to him, without hesitation, and at the time, with all the doubts about what I was going to do in that course of reconstructing I don't know what...
It was quite a discovery, since it opened a huge amount of doors to a new understanding of fiction, of the role of women in this world and how it affects us actresses in a world that is malignantly masclist.

But the real wonder was to discover Alicia's ability to empathize with the group and to make us all form a homogeneous mass of women who unite, are scorned, listen to each other, share, laugh, cry, dance, play and overcome all the barriers of freedom of expression in a totally shared way and far from any prejudice.
And all this always taking into account all the different things and all the different souls.

That is magic, that is connection... that is absolute dedication to her work as a trainer”.

Rosa Devesa, playwright and actress

"I was looking for a theatre course with a gender perspective and I found the advertisement for “Reconstruir la ficción” offered by Alicia Reyero on the internet and I signed up.
I quickly discovered that it was
much more than that: a free and safe space, a
learning experience for life, entertainment, a constant sharing of experiences... in short, the workshop became a warm collective embrace.
It made me grow not only as an actress but also as a person, and it opened my eyes to other ways of creating, based on trust and care, without losing sight of the demands that were put on the table.
The creation of the “Comando Damas” and all the impact we had and still have, was an added gift to the result of this training.
And meeting Alicia, her generosity and dedication, her creative universe and good work, was for me, a before and after in
my professional career, becoming my favorite “reference”.

“Everyone should give themselves the pleasure of taking a course with Alicia Reyero”


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